Published on in Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Jul-Dec

Health-Related Coping and Social Interaction in People with Multiple Sclerosis Supported by a Social Network: Pilot Study With a New Methodological Approach

Health-Related Coping and Social Interaction in People with Multiple Sclerosis Supported by a Social Network: Pilot Study With a New Methodological Approach

Health-Related Coping and Social Interaction in People with Multiple Sclerosis Supported by a Social Network: Pilot Study With a New Methodological Approach


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  11. Lavorgna L, Borriello G, Esposito S, Abbadessa G, Capuano R, De Giglio L, Logoteta A, Pozzilli C, Tedeschi G, Bonavita S. Impact of early diagnosis on clinical characteristics of an Italian sample of people with multiple sclerosis recruited online. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 2019;27:239 View
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  13. Lavorgna L, De Stefano M, Sparaco M, Moccia M, Abbadessa G, Montella P, Buonanno D, Esposito S, Clerico M, Cenci C, Trojsi F, Lanzillo R, Rosa L, Morra V, Ippolito D, Maniscalco G, Bisecco A, Tedeschi G, Bonavita S. Fake news, influencers and health-related professional participation on the Web: A pilot study on a social-network of people with Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 2018;25:175 View
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  15. Lavorgna L, Esposito S, Lanzillo R, Sparaco M, Ippolito D, Cocco E, Fenu G, Borriello G, De Mercanti S, Frau J, Capuano R, Trojsi F, Rosa L, Clerico M, Laroni A, Morra V, Tedeschi G, Bonavita S. Factors interfering with parenthood decision-making in an Italian sample of people with multiple sclerosis: an exploratory online survey. Journal of Neurology 2019;266(3):707 View
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  18. Bonavita S, Sparaco M, Russo A, Borriello G, Lavorgna L. Perceived stress and social support in a large population of people with multiple sclerosis recruited online through the COVID‐19 pandemic. European Journal of Neurology 2021;28(10):3396 View
  19. Costabile T, Carotenuto A, Lavorgna L, Borriello G, Moiola L, Inglese M, Petruzzo M, Trojsi F, Ianniello A, Nozzolillo A, Cellerino M, Boffa G, Rosa L, Servillo G, Moccia M, Bonavita S, Filippi M, Lanzillo R, Brescia Morra V, Petracca M. COVID‐19 pandemic and mental distress in multiple sclerosis: Implications for clinical management. European Journal of Neurology 2021;28(10):3375 View
  20. Lavorgna L, Brigo F, Esposito S, Abbadessa G, Sparaco M, Lanzillo R, Moccia M, Inglese M, Bonfanti L, Trojsi F, Spina E, Russo A, De Micco P, Clerico M, Tedeschi G, Bonavita S. Public Engagement and Neurology: An Update. Brain Sciences 2021;11(4):429 View
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  30. Mutambik I, Lee J, Almuqrin A, Halboob W, Omar T, Floos A, Lavorgna L. User concerns regarding information sharing on social networking sites: The user’s perspective in the context of national culture. PLOS ONE 2022;17(1):e0263157 View
  31. Lee J, Xiong L. Exploring learners’ continuous usage decisions regarding mobile-assisted language learning applications: A social support theory perspective. Education and Information Technologies 2023;28(12):16743 View
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  33. Mutambik I, Lee J, Almuqrin A, Alharbi Z. Identifying the Barriers to Acceptance of Blockchain-Based Patient-Centric Data Management Systems in Healthcare. Healthcare 2024;12(3):345 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Shaban A. Digital Geographies—Theory, Space, and Communities. View