Published on in Vol 6, No 1 (2017): Jan-Jun

Using eHealth Technologies: Interests, Preferences, and Concerns of Older Adults

Using eHealth Technologies: Interests, Preferences, and Concerns of Older Adults

Using eHealth Technologies: Interests, Preferences, and Concerns of Older Adults


  1. Gutierrez F, Muñoz D, Ochoa S, Tapia J. Assembling mass-market technology for the sake of wellbeing: a case study on the adoption of ambient intelligent systems by older adults living at home. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 2019;10(6):2213 View
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  10. Ploeg J, Valaitis R, Cleghorn L, Yous M, Gaber J, Agarwal G, Kastner M, Mangin D, Oliver D, Parascandalo F, Risdon C, Dolovich L. Perceptions of older adults in Ontario, Canada on the implementation and impact of a primary care programme, Health Teams Advancing Patient Experience: Strengthening Quality (Health TAPESTRY): a descriptive qualitative study. BMJ Open 2019;9(6):e026257 View
  11. Molina R, Porras-Segovia A, Ruiz M, Baca-García E. eHealth tools for assessing psychomotor activity in schizophrenia: a systematic review. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 2021;43(1):102 View
  12. Lopez-Castroman J, Abad-Tortosa D, Cobo Aguilera A, Courtet P, Barrigón M, Artés A, Baca-García E. Psychiatric Profiles of eHealth Users Evaluated Using Data Mining Techniques: Cohort Study. JMIR Mental Health 2021;8(1):e17116 View
  13. Christie H, Schichel M, Tange H, Veenstra M, Verhey F, de Vugt M. Perspectives From Municipality Officials on the Adoption, Dissemination, and Implementation of Electronic Health Interventions to Support Caregivers of People With Dementia: Inductive Thematic Analysis. JMIR Aging 2020;3(1):e17255 View
  14. Kruse C, Fohn J, Wilson N, Nunez Patlan E, Zipp S, Mileski M. Utilization Barriers and Medical Outcomes Commensurate With the Use of Telehealth Among Older Adults: Systematic Review. JMIR Medical Informatics 2020;8(8):e20359 View
  15. Oudshoorn C, Frielink N, Nijs S, Embregts P. eHealth in the support of people with mild intellectual disability in daily life: A systematic review. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2020;33(6):1166 View
  16. Cosco T, Firth J, Vahia I, Sixsmith A, Torous J. Mobilizing mHealth Data Collection in Older Adults: Challenges and Opportunities. JMIR Aging 2019;2(1):e10019 View
  17. Frederix I, Caiani E, Dendale P, Anker S, Bax J, Böhm A, Cowie M, Crawford J, de Groot N, Dilaveris P, Hansen T, Koehler F, Krstačić G, Lambrinou E, Lancellotti P, Meier P, Neubeck L, Parati G, Piotrowicz E, Tubaro M, van der Velde E. ESC e-Cardiology Working Group Position Paper: Overcoming challenges in digital health implementation in cardiovascular medicine. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2019;26(11):1166 View
  18. Jakobsson E, Nygård L, Kottorp A, Bråkenhielm Olsson C, Malinowsky C. Does the purpose matter? A comparison of everyday information and communication technologies between eHealth use and general use as perceived by older adults with cognitive impairment. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 2022;17(8):897 View
  19. Evans H, Forbes C, Vandelanotte C, Galvão D, Newton R, Wittert G, Chambers S, Kichenadasse G, Brook N, Girard D, Short C. Examining the Priorities, Needs and Preferences of Men with Metastatic Prostate Cancer in Designing a Personalised eHealth Exercise Intervention. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2021;28(4):431 View
  20. Wali S, Keshavjee K, Nguyen L, Mbuagbaw L, Demers C. Using an Electronic App to Promote Home-Based Self-Care in Older Patients With Heart Failure: Qualitative Study on Patient and Informal Caregiver Challenges. JMIR Cardio 2020;4(1):e15885 View
  21. Bostrøm K, Børøsund E, Varsi C, Eide H, Flakk Nordang E, Schreurs K, Waxenberg L, Weiss K, Morrison E, Cvancarova Småstuen M, Stubhaug A, Solberg Nes L. Digital Self-Management in Support of Patients Living With Chronic Pain: Feasibility Pilot Study. JMIR Formative Research 2020;4(10):e23893 View
  22. Evans H, Forbes C, Galvão D, Vandelanotte C, Newton R, Wittert G, Chambers S, Vincent A, Kichenadasse G, Brook N, Girard D, Short C. Evaluating a web- and telephone-based personalised exercise intervention for individuals living with metastatic prostate cancer (ExerciseGuide): protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2021;7(1) View
  23. Choi M. Association of eHealth Use, Literacy, Informational Social Support, and Health-Promoting Behaviors: Mediation of Health Self-Efficacy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020;17(21):7890 View
  24. Christie H, Boots L, Tange H, Verhey F, de Vugt M. Implementations of Evidence-Based eHealth Interventions for Caregivers of People With Dementia in Municipality Contexts (Myinlife and Partner in Balance): Evaluation Study. JMIR Aging 2021;4(1):e21629 View
  25. Revenäs Å, Johansson A, Ehn M. Integrating Key User Characteristics in User-Centered Design of Digital Support Systems for Seniors’ Physical Activity Interventions to Prevent Falls: Protocol for a Usability Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2020;9(12):e20061 View
  26. Alexander K, Ogle T, Hoberg H, Linley L, Bradford N. Patient preferences for using technology in communication about symptoms post hospital discharge. BMC Health Services Research 2021;21(1) View
  27. Arslanian-Engoren C, Giordani B, Nelson K, Moser D. A Pilot Study to Evaluate a Computer-Based Intervention to Improve Self-care in Patients With Heart Failure. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2021;36(2):157 View
  28. Pai L, Chiu S, Liu H, Chen L, Peng T. Effects of a health education technology program on long-term glycemic control and self-management ability of adults with type 2 diabetes: A randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2021;175:108785 View
  29. Scheerens C, Gilissen J, Volow A, Powell J, Ferguson C, Farrell D, Li B, Berry C, Sudore R. Developing eHealth tools for diverse older adults: Lessons learned from the PREPARE for Your Care Program. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2021;69(10):2939 View
  30. Pikkemaat M, Thulesius H, Milos Nymberg V. Swedish Primary Care Physicians’ Intentions to Use Telemedicine: A Survey Using a New Questionnaire – Physician Attitudes and Intentions to Use Telemedicine (PAIT). International Journal of General Medicine 2021;Volume 14:3445 View
  31. Yin G, Chen L, Wu Y, Zhao F, Zhu Q, Lin S. The implementation of a community-centered first aid education program for older adults—community health workers perceived barriers. BMC Health Services Research 2023;23(1) View
  32. Stefanicka-Wojtas D, Kurpas D. eHealth and mHealth in Chronic Diseases—Identification of Barriers, Existing Solutions, and Promoters Based on a Survey of EU Stakeholders Involved in Regions4PerMed (H2020). Journal of Personalized Medicine 2022;12(3):467 View
  33. Spanakis M, Patelarou E, Patelarou A. Drug-Food Interactions with a Focus on Mediterranean Diet. Applied Sciences 2022;12(20):10207 View
  34. Choi M. Factors associated with eHealth use among community dwelling older adults. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2022;28(6) View
  35. Marshall-McKenna R, Kotronoulas G, Kokoroskos E, Granados A, Papachristou P, Papachristou N, Collantes G, Petridis G, Billis A, Bamidis P. A multinational investigation of healthcare needs, preferences, and expectations in supportive cancer care: co-creating the LifeChamps digital platform. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2023;17(4):1094 View
  36. Rostam Niakan Kalhori S, Rahmani Katigari M, Talebi Azadboni T, Pahlevanynejad S, Hosseini Eshpala R. The effect of m-health applications on self-care improvement in older adults: A systematic review. Informatics for Health and Social Care 2023;48(3):292 View
  37. Yu J, de Antonio A, Villalba-Mora E. Design of an Integrated Acceptance Framework for Older Users and eHealth: Influential Factor Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(1):e31920 View
  38. Ma T, Zhang S, Zhu S, Ni J, Wu Q, Liu M. The new role of nursing in digital inclusion: Reflections on smartphone use and willingness to increase digital skills among Chinese older adults. Geriatric Nursing 2022;48:118 View
  39. Pelletier C, Chabot C, Gagnon M, Rhéaume C. Implementing an Activity Tracker to Increase Motivation for Physical Activity in Patients With Diabetes in Primary Care: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis. JMIR Formative Research 2023;7:e44254 View
  40. Huang J, Pang W, Wong Y, Mak F, Chan F, Cheung C, Wong W, Cheung N, Wong M. Factors Associated With the Acceptance of an eHealth App for Electronic Health Record Sharing System: Population-Based Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(12):e40370 View
  41. Chu C, Nayyar D, Bhattacharyya O, Martin D, Agarwal P, Mukerji G. Patient and Provider Experiences With Virtual Care in a Large, Ambulatory Care Hospital in Ontario, Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Observational Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(10):e38604 View
  42. Hurmuz M, Jansen-Kosterink S, Hermens H, van Velsen L. Game not over: Explaining older adults’ use and intention to continue using a gamified eHealth service. Health Informatics Journal 2022;28(2) View
  43. Aliberti G, Bhatia R, Desrochers L, Gilliam E, Schonberg M. Perspectives of primary care clinicians in Massachusetts on use of telemedicine with adults aged 65 and older during the COVID-19 pandemic. Preventive Medicine Reports 2022;26:101729 View
  44. Lavoie A, Dubé V. Web-Based Interventions to Promote Healthy Lifestyles for Older Adults: Scoping Review. Interactive Journal of Medical Research 2022;11(2):e37315 View
  45. Li M, Strauss D, Chen K, Davoodi N, Joerg L, Jimenez F, Goldberg E. Qualitative interviews with physicians: Overcoming barriers to access to bring telehealth to older adults during COVID-19. Journal of Brown Hospital Medicine 2022;1(3) View
  46. Milliren C, Lindsay B, Biernat L, Smith T, Weaver B. Can digital engagement improve outcomes for total joint replacements?. DIGITAL HEALTH 2022;8:205520762210953 View
  47. Possemato K, Wu J, Greene C, MacQueen R, Blonigen D, Wade M, Owen J, Keane T, Brief D, Lindley S, Prins A, Mackintosh M, Carlson E. Web-Based Problem-solving Training With and Without Peer Support in Veterans With Unmet Mental Health Needs: Pilot Study of Feasibility, User Acceptability, and Participant Engagement. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(1):e29559 View
  48. Zhu X, Yang F. The association among eHealth literacy, depressive symptoms and health‐related quality of life among older people: A cross‐section study. International Journal of Older People Nursing 2023;18(1) View
  49. Fjellså H, Husebø A, Storm M. eHealth in Care Coordination for Older Adults Living at Home: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2022;24(10):e39584 View
  50. De Anda-Duran I, Hwang P, Popp Z, Low S, Ding H, Rahman S, Igwe A, Kolachalama V, Lin H, Au R. Matching science to reality: how to deploy a participant-driven digital brain health platform. Frontiers in Dementia 2023;2 View
  51. Rosenberg D. Patient centeredness, independent health-related Internet use, and online communication with healthcare providers in later life: A cross-sectional study. Patient Education and Counseling 2023;117:107971 View
  52. Sturm J, Dierick A, Christianen M, van Gelder M, Wouters E. Possibilities, Patience, and Perseverance: A Preliminary Analysis of the Needs and Experiences of Ten Older Adults Regarding Their Use of Digital Health Technology. Healthcare 2023;11(11):1612 View
  53. Hunsbedt Fjellså H, Husebø A, Braut H, Mikkelsen A, Storm M. Older Adults’ Experiences With Participation and eHealth in Care Coordination: Qualitative Interview Study in a Primary Care Setting. Journal of Participatory Medicine 2023;15:e47550 View
  54. Cao W, Kadir A, Wang Y, Wang J, Dai B, Zheng Y, Mu P, Hu C, Chen J, Na L, Hassan I. Description of apps targeting stroke patients: A review of apps store. DIGITAL HEALTH 2023;9 View
  55. Denhere P, Ruhode E, Zhou M. A TOGAF based interoperable health information system needs assessment for practitioner–patient interaction. THE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 2023;89(6) View
  56. Brual J, Chu C, Fang J, Fleury C, Stamenova V, Bhattacharyya O, Tadrous M, Boriani G. Virtual care use among older immigrant adults in Ontario, Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: A repeated cross-sectional analysis. PLOS Digital Health 2023;2(8):e0000092 View
  57. Young K, Xiong T, Lee R, Banerjee A, Leslie M, Ko W, Pham Q. User-Centered Design and Usability of a Culturally Adapted Virtual Survivorship Care App for Chinese Canadian Prostate Cancer Survivors: Qualitative Descriptive Study. JMIR Human Factors 2024;11:e49353 View
  58. Young K, Xiong T, Lee R, Banerjee A, Leslie M, Ko W, Guo J, Pham Q. Honoring the Care Experiences of Chinese Canadian Survivors of Prostate Cancer to Cultivate Cultural Safety and Relationality in Digital Health: Exploratory-Descriptive Qualitative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e49349 View
  59. Kyytsönen M, Vehko T, Jylhä V, Kinnunen U. Privacy concerns among the users of a national patient portal: A cross-sectional population survey study. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2024;183:105336 View
  60. Aslan A, Mold F, van Marwijk H, Armes J. What are the determinants of older people adopting communicative e-health services: a meta-ethnography. BMC Health Services Research 2024;24(1) View
  61. Chang F, Sheng L, Gu Z. Investigating the Integration and the Long-Term Use of Smart Speakers in Older Adults’ Daily Practices: Qualitative Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2024;12:e47472 View
  62. Wang Q, Chang W, Han M, Hu Y, Lin S, Gu Y. Application of telemedicine system for older adults postoperative patients in community: a feasibility study. Frontiers in Public Health 2024;12 View
  63. Savolainen K, Kujala S. Testing Two Online Symptom Checkers With Vulnerable Groups: Usability Study to Improve Cognitive Accessibility of eHealth Services. JMIR Human Factors 2024;11:e45275 View
  64. Yuan C, Wei X, Wu X, Liu H, Jiang Z. Correlation between habits of using online health information and e-health literacy in middle-aged and older Chinese adults. Chinese General Practice Journal 2024;1(1):42 View
  65. Moody L, Wood E, Needham A, Booth A, Tindale W. Exploring how the design and provision of digital self-management technology can improve the uptake by older adults with chronic kidney disease, diabetes and dementia: A modified e-Delphi study. DIGITAL HEALTH 2024;10 View
  66. Frølund J, Løkke A, Jensen H, Farver-Vestergaard I. The Use of Podcasts as Patient Preparation for Hospital Visits—An Interview Study Exploring Patients’ Experiences. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2024;21(6):746 View
  67. Knotnerus H, Ngo H, Maarsingh O, van Vugt V. Understanding Older Adults’ Experiences With a Digital Health Platform in General Practice: Qualitative Interview Study. JMIR Aging 2024;7:e59168 View
  68. Jagemann I, Stegemann M, von Brachel R, Hirschfeld G. Gender differences in preferences for mental health apps in the general population – a choice-based conjoint analysis from Germany. BMC Psychiatry 2024;24(1) View

Books/Policy Documents

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  3. Ferreira C, Silva J, Silva J. Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies. View
  4. Betti D, Rossi L, Stara V, Tecchio E, Zanella G, Zancanaro M. Ambient Assisted Living. View
  5. Neves A, Lygidakis C, Hoedebecke K, de Pinho-Costa L, Pilotto A. The Role of Family Physicians in Older People Care. View
  6. Perotti L, Heimann-Steinert A. HCI International 2022 – Late Breaking Papers: HCI for Health, Well-being, Universal Access and Healthy Aging. View
  7. Bonfadelli H. Health Literacy - Advances and Trends. View
  8. Komalasari R. Digital Twins and Healthcare. View
  9. Barnes S, Prescott J. Digital Innovations for Mental Health Support. View
  10. Barnes S, Prescott J. Research Anthology on Game Design, Development, Usage, and Social Impact. View
  11. Valkonen P, Kujala S. Digital Health and Wireless Solutions. View
  12. Normand C, Gustavsson C, Alfredsson Ågren K, Heitplatz V, Chadwick D, Johansson S. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. View